
シンガポール商標出願の簡易調査・見積もりを無料で行っています。問い合わせはyosuke at accelseed.comまで









単一性はまあざっくり削除して、お客さんには分割を進めるんだろうな。新規性、進歩性は引用文献を見てから違いを示すように請求項を限定する補正をすれば良さそう。産業上利用可能性は、やはりmethod of medical treatmentか。スイスタイプに補正するのをチェックしておいた方が良さそうだが、過去問の傾向からするとそういう医薬品特許よりももっと単純なメカの特許が出てきそう。不明確なら明確にすればいい。



The claim or claims shall relate to one invention or to a group of inventions which are so linked as to form a single inventive concept.


The claim or claims shall be supported by the description;

An application for a patent which discloses additional matter, that is, matter extending beyond that disclosed in the earlier application made under this Act

the application discloses any matter extending beyond that disclosed in the application for the patent as filed


The specification of an application shall disclose the invention in a manner which is clear and complete for the invention to be performed by a person skilled in the art.


The claim or claims shall be clear and concise;